Blenheim District High School

Attention Students attending BDHS in September 2025

​​​We will be having our Information Night on January 9th - see below. If you would like more information before or after the event, please us at 519-676-5485 or use the contact us page.  We are excited for you to join the BDHS Family!

Thursday, January 9th
6 - 8 pm
Blenheim District High School

Grade 8 Students
Meet In the Cafeteria

  • Classroom Fun

  • Large Group Activity

  • Tours

  • Refreshments

Meet in the Library

  • Course and Stream Choices

  • Benefits of a Community School

  • Tours

  • Refreshments

Stay in the Loop with BDHS News!

School W​ebsite

Facebook: BDHSCats

Instagram: @bdhscats

​​Fun facts!

  • ​BDHS is located in School Bus Zone 7

  • Our school colours are black and gold

  • We are the Bobcats! Welcome to the Lair

  • We offer an extensive daily breakfast program from 7:30 am onward in the school library.  Mrs Buchanan is there to help

  • Our cafeteria is open as a work location for online learning, students with spare and at lunch time for all students

  • BDHS does daily morning announcements during homeroom online

  • You will have your locker assigned at registration or the first day of school. Locks are provided


​Students can register online ​​at any time prior to the first day of school or come to the registration day the week prior to the start of school.  More information will be mailed in the summer. Fees you may be asked to pay include:

  • Student Activity Fees

  • Course Enhancement Fees if needed

  • Athletic Team Fees

We use school cash online to accept registration fees, field trips and other payments you may make to the school. Closer to the start of school you can sign up for school cash online by visiting this link.​


Your locker will be assigned on the day of registration or the first day of school.  Locks will be provided by the school. Please Leave Your Lock on the Locker, as BDHS is not responsible for items taken from your locker.  Do NOT give your combination to anyone and money or other valuables should not be left in your locker - leave them at home where they are safe.  If someone learns your combination, please come to the office to get a new lock immediately.  Students are NOT allowed to share lockers, so there should be no reason to give your combination to anyone.  Please take care of this locker as you are responsible for its condition.  Backpacks and coats are to be left in your lockers as they are a tripping/safety hazard in the classrooms.  TIP! If you have any issues with your locker, come to the office, or see the closest teacher.  Don't worry, we spend the first week helping students with lockers and we understand it can be a hard time for anyone.

BDHS Student Handbook

An electronic version of the handbook can be found on the BDHS website.  Please familiarize yourself with the rules and policies outlined in the handbook.  ​

Community Service Hours

Did you know, students must complete 40 hours of community involvement in order to graduate?  Students are eligible to begin completing these hours as soon as they officially graduate grade 8!  Consider using the summer before Grade 9 starts to find ways to volunteer in our community.  We have lots of community events and organizations that could use your help!  Click here to view the requirements and/or download a tracking form​.

​BDHS Student Success Team

​Our Student Success Team works with students, parents and teachers to ensure that a plan is put in place for each student to work toward achieving their credits.  Student success strategies may include extra help sessions, alternative work space, credit recover or credit rescue initiatives.  Students may be approached by members of this team during the course of the school year as an extra support.  Many of the student success strategies are available to all students, listen to announcements for these opportunities.

Student Learning Centre

​​The SLC is open to all students who require extra assistance in any subject area, or an alternative space to work.  Students with an Individual Education Plan will meet with the Resource Teacher to review and discuss their IEP annually.  If you have any questions regarding an IEP, please contact the school.

Bell Times 

Period A   8:05 am – 9:25 am
Period B   9:33 am – 10:48 am
Lunch       10:43 am – 11:32 am
Period C   11:32 am – 12:47 pm
Period D   12:55 pm – 2:10 pm 

​Extra-Curricular Activities

We have an amazing line up of extra-curricular activities at BDHS.  Make your high school experience memorable buy taking part in the fun!

  • Golf

  • Cross Country

  • Boys volleyball

  • Girls basketball


  • Girls volleyball

  • Boys basketball

  • Curling

  • Drama


  • Track and Field

  • Badminton

  • Boys soccer​

​​​Bobcat Gear

You can order Spirit Wear online​