Literacy & Numeracy

WHAT is Mathville 1?

It’s a web-based math resource designed to make math fun for Ontario grade 1 students. To students it looks like a game collection, but each of the 12 activities addresses an important topic in the Ontario grade 1 math curriculum.

Starfall is a literacy website that allows students to begin with the fundamentals of reading (letter sounds) and work their way through diagraphs, blends, short vowels, long vowels and then through words.  All text has accompanying visual clues that help with understanding of concepts.  Clicking on words has the computer read it out ... in a regular sounding (as opposed to robotic) voice! 

Math Frog is a website designed to give students in Grade 4 - 6 a fun way to practise concepts from all five math strands.  It can also be used to bolster the skills of students in Grade 7 and 8.  The site features a variety of games and activities. 

This website directly connects to the Nelson textbooks used by our students.  It's your link to other websites, games, and activities to specifically support each math concept.  There are also links to give parents some tips for explaining each concept.

To find activities to help your child, start by visiting the website.

First, select Companion Sites.

Next, select the appropriate grade.

Then, select Student Centre. 

 A solid foundation in literacy and numeracy gives students the widest range of choices in school and beyond. When students develop strong reading, writing and math skills early in life, they are less likely to get discouraged and drop out of school later.

Literacy is about understanding language that is found in many places – such as in books, magazines, on websites, in manuals, on signs, in advertisements, in films and even in conversations.  Literacy is also about being critical of what you are reading or hearing.  In addition, it means being able to communicate your thoughts effectively to others through speaking, writing and using various media.  Literacy is about more than just reading words. 

  A parent is a child’s first and most important teacher. Children learn to read and write more easily with their parents help.  Following are some suggestions for parents to help support their child in literacy. 

  1. Talk with your child:

  • tell stories about your family

  •  ask about their day and other interests

  •  don’t interrupt, let them find the words

  •  talk about movies, songs, television programs etc.

  1. Make Reading and Writing “Fun”

  •  read all kinds of different materials: stories, poems, magazines, comics, e-mails

  •  read stories with drama and excitement, use different voices for excitement

  •  re-read stories as many times as your child wants to hear them

  •  discuss the story afterwards and ask what they might have done if in the same situation

  •  take your child to the library

  •  encourage your child to write out lists for groceries or e-mails

  1. Read and write every day:

  •  start reading with children when they are very young

  •  choose a comfortable spot to read together

  •  read for short  amounts of time depending on the interest level

  •  choose different types of reading material

  •  encourage your child to keep a journal or a scrapbook

  •  play various word games

  •  encourage your child to enter writing contests etc.

  1. Talk about Books:

  • ask children what they would like to read

  •  share some of your favourite books from childhood

  •  ask children what they thought of a book

  •  think out loud as you read a book and make comments about the story

  1. Listen to your child read:

  • pick a time for reading when there won’t be any interruptions

  •  be patient, allow your child time to figure out tricky words

  •  show your child that you are enjoying the book by showing interest and asking questions

  1. Set an example for your child:

  • be a role model, read novels, newspapers or magazines for enjoyment

  • read signs, schedules, maps, instructions and advertisements

  • read and write greeting cards, e-mails and letters

  • make reading and writing fun

Coaching language
Coaching language encourages thinking at every age. Be a model student and show your child how to learn along with you. Here are some questions and sentence starters to help encourage him to clarify and extend his thinking.

 Words that promote shared learning between you and your child:

  • That's exactly what I was thinking.

  • Oh, now I see what you mean.

  • I never knew that…

  • I'm not sure. What do you think?

  • You're right! How did you figure that out?

 Words that help make predictions:

  • Let's look at the pictures. I wonder…

  • I wonder what would happen if…

  • What questions do we have right now?

 Words that encourage comprehension:

  • Does that make sense?

  • Let's make a list of…

  • Is there a part you don't understand?

  • Are there some words you don't understand?

  • I think that part might be important so I’m going to read it again.

  • Let's retell the story from the pictures.

Words that confirm comprehension:

  • Maybe we can find some clues.

  • Well, we now know…

  • Let's look at the picture again (read that part again) while we think about your idea.

  • Could you tell me more about that?

  • What do you mean?

Words that lead to critical thinking and summarizing:

  • Do you think that could really have happened?

  • Who do you think would like this book? Why?

  • Let's think about the moral of the story.

  • I think the author wants us to learn…from this story. Let's look for proof.

Words that help make connections:

  • Does that remind you of anything?  Anyone?

  • That character reminds me of you.

Remember when you…

  • I wonder if we could find some other books about…

  • That reminds me of the time we…

Words that encourage playing with words:

  • I love the sound of those words. I'm going to read them again.

  • Let's clap out the words. Let's walk out the poem. Let's make up a finger play.

 * The above is a summary taken from the document Helping Your Child with Reading and Writing – A Guide for Parents K – 6  provided by The Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat of the Ministry of Education.