Bus Pass Application
For the safety of all students, a new bus pass application process has been developed to ensure that all passengers on all routes are listed on the passenger roster. This process will replace the current bus pass process effective Monday September 19, 2011. However, for the first two weeks of September, both application processes may be used.
The process is as follows:
Parents are to complete the application online at School Bus Info in the tools section. The application is printed and signed by the parent for presentation to the principal or designate.
Bus Operator
A copy of the application is automatically generated and sent to the bus operator. The bus operator approves or denies only on the basis of seat availability.
Upon receipt of the signed application, the principal/designate may approve the bus pass if space is available as indicated by the bus operator. The school retains the signed application.
Bus Operator
The bus operator advises the bus driver that the student has permission to ride to the existing bus stop on the route and dates indicated on the application. One application may be approved for multiple dates as outlined in the application on the Bus Pass. Important: Due to the required approval process, all applications must be made 48 hours prior to the time that the ride is requested. Go to School Bus Info for the new procedure.