Additional Learning Opportunities

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Science Discovery Squad Volunteer Program

Make sure you scroll all the way down to see the many opportunities available!

Updates for 2024-2025:  See new information listed in red.  

The SEP Digital Library

Links and/or information relevant to the Science Discovery Squad Volunteer Program within the digital library include include:

  • Volunteer Demonstration Videos and Hands-on Activities (Click on the third tab of the worksheet.)

    • Amazing Air Pressure – Gr. 6 Air and Flight

    • Floating Egg Experiment – 3 versions with connections to Gr. 2, 5 and 7/8 Matter and Energy

    • Pulleys – Gr. 4 Structures and Mechanisms

    • Light - Refraction - Gr. 4 Light and Sound​

    • The Plasma Ball – Gr. 5 Matter

    • The Van de Graaff Generator – Gr. 6 Electricity and Electrical Devices

    • Canada Agriculture Day presenter videos 

  • Taylor Talks Environmental Science - see past presentations (Click on the fourth sheet in the workbook)

  • Additonal Agriculture links suggested by our Canada Agriculture Day volunteers (Click on fifth sheet of the workbook)​

SDS Virtual Library​ ​  Available anytime, at your convenience.

Taylor Talks Environmental Science Sessions

Taylor Maris is an Environmental Engineer who is excited to bring her passion for environmental awareness to our students through a series of monthly virtual sessions called “Taylor Talks". ​

Each Google Meet session will address curriculum topics in a different grade.  Participation for each session will be capped at 90 classrooms to maintain quality streaming.  A tentative month/grade schedule for 2024-2025 is shown below.

​October - Gr. 1
November - Gr. 4
December - Kindergarten
January - Gr. 3
February - Gr. 5
March - Gr. 7
April - Gr. 6
May - Gr. 2
June - Gr. 8

​​Invitations to sign up will be sent directly to grade specific teachers in both the LKDSB and SCCDSB, (through their respective elementary program departments,) in the appropriate month.

Wonder Wednesday Science Sessions

Similar to the format used for Taylor Talks, SDS Volunteers and Special Guest Volunteers will offer a new virtual science learning opportunity each month.    

As events are scheduled, invitations to sign up will be sent directly to grade appropriate teachers in both the LKDSB and SCCDSB through their respective elementary program departments..

National Engineering Month Activities

Truss Building Challenge:  

In conjunction with the local chapters of the Professional Engineers of Ontario (PEO), the Science Education Partnership will once again offer schools the chance to participate in an activity celebrating National Engineering Month.  A memo regarding the 2024-2025 activity will be circulated to appropriate grades in mid-October of 2024, and schools will be invited to sign up to participate at that time.

This hands-on structural engineering activity will be offered in two formats.   

  • Virtual Activity - With the help of instructional videos created by PEO volunteers, students will work individually to design, draw, and build a truss structure from craft sticks and white glue.   The classroom teacher will perform in-class testing using a specially designed test rig that safely allows students to measure the load as force is applied to the structure.   Teachers can work through this activity at their own pace.   ​​

  • In-person Activity – A pair of NEM volunteers will visit the classroom to lead students through the activity.  Students will work in pairs to design, draw, and build a truss structure using craft sticks and hot glue.  Volunteers will test the resulting structures by measuring the load at failure.  This activity is anticipated to take at least two blocks.  Volunteers request that the activity be scheduled to start first thing in the morning.  NOTE: Volunteer manpower is limited, and it is anticipated a relatively small number of in-person opportunities will be available.  Each assignment will depend on volunteer availability and travel preferences. 

In both cases, students will have the real-world engineering challenge of building the strongest truss they can with the least amount of material. 

This opportunity aligns with expectations in the Gr. 5 Forces Acting on Structures unit.  Teachers can schedule this activity anytime between October and early May. All materials will be provided by the SEP Science Centre.  Classes participating in the virtual format will receive construction and testing materials via the interschool courier.

Canada's Agriculture Day 

​A list of agriculture-related web resources is available in the SDS virtual library, including links to short videos introducing our local agriculture volunteers created by the SEP.  Link:  SDS Virtual Library​ ​​

Who better to talk to your students about where their food comes from than the people that produce it?   In February of each year, the SEP offers a special opportunity for your class to celebrate Canada Agriculture Day.  Local farmers visit interested classrooms to talk about how they grow food, take care of their farm animals, how they care for their soil, and the science that drives modern day agriculture.   A memorandum will go out to all schools in mid-January inviting classes to sign up for this activity.  Questions?  Check out the and the FAQ page.​  A memo regarding the 2024-2025 activities will be circulated to the appropriate grades in mid-January of 2025, and schools will be invited to participate at that time.​

Science Discovery Squad: IN-PERSON and VIRTUAL VISIT Science Demonstrations

This unique program pairs volunteers with an interest in science with educators who are teaching science in their classrooms.  The program mission statement reads: To foster a greater interest in science at the elementary school level through "hands-on" science.

Sessions are offered throughout the school year based on the availability of the lead volunteer.

2024-2025:  ​See descriptions of demonstrations within the chart below.  To place a request, please submit your orders via this Google Form​.
You will receive an email confirmation as orders are processed.  


Title /Topic

Demonstration Duration
(set-up time not included)

Recommended Timing Within Your Unit / Prior Knowledge

Demonstration Includes:


Movement​ - Currently unavailable

60-70 min.


Large scale simple machines (levers, inclined planes, wedges, winches and wheels/axles,) are used to show students that tasks easier with the use of the devices.


In-person-visit - Sugar Science (Liquids and Solids)​​ 

100 min.


In pairs, students will work through a series of experiments using sugar and water.


​​In-person or Virtual Visit - Soil 

​30 min


​Every living thing depends on soil and farmers know it is important to look after and maintain soil structure​.  What types of soil do we have in Chatham-Kent and Lambton?  What crops are grown locally?  What do these crops need to grow?  These are just a few of the questions that will be answered as students learn first hand from a local farmer.  


In-person-visit Stability

60-80 min.


Students will learn about the strength of arches/domes, the importance of triangles, ties and struts, centre of gravity, breadth of base, and compression and tension forces.


​​In-person Habitats
​Part 2 can be done outside (weather permitting,) or in the gym.

​90 min.


​Co-existing in a Healthy Habitat - Saving Birds and Keeping Ecosystems Thriving:  This 2 part activity is designed to raise awareness of two connected issues: the well-being of birds and the protection of natural habitats.  Some wild bird populations have declined by more than 70 percent.  Students will learn about local bird species and their behaviors to gain an understanding of the many roles that birds play in within the ecosystem.  An interactive game demonstrates that the balance within a habitat can be disrupted.  Topics including habitat loss, climate change, adaptations, basic needs, biodiversity, and food chains are discussed.



200- 220 min.


Concepts covered include; properties of light, reflection, refraction, convex, concave, colour, fiber optics, polarized glass and optical illusions.


In-person-visit Sound- ​

100 min.

Students should know terms "pitch" & "volume".

Part 1: A whole class activity showing sound is a form of energy that travels in waves.
Part 2:  Small groups of students (max. of 8) will work with the volunteer to perform experiments with an oscilloscope and tuning forks.


In-person-visit Pulleys & Gears 

200 min.

Middle to the end of the unit.  Note:  "Mode" is used in calculations.

Pulleys:  Students will participate in an interactive demonstration that showcases three types of pulleys systems.  Students will lift a load and measure the effort required to do so.  Students also participate in a tug of war that clearly shows the advantage of using a pulley system. 

Gears: In small groups, students explore different gear trains, measuring speed and observing gear ratios and changes in direction.  Various everyday uses of gears will be highlighted, such in a bicycle and cassette tape deck​


​In-person-visit  Coding - ​Introduction to Scratch Cup Stacking Activity

​160 min


​​Students will participate in an UNPLUGGED activity to understand the logical set of steps required to recreate a pattern of stacked cups.  After a brief introduction to Scratch, volunteers will lead them through a PLUGGED version of the same activity.


​Virtual Visit Newton's Cradle for Conservation of Energy

​45 min


Students will see different motions of the cradle and will learn how these relate to conservation of energy and momentum.


​In-person Gravity

​90 min

​End of the unit

​What is gravity?  What did Galileo and Newton learn about gravity from falling objects?  How do pendulums work?  What is escape velocity?  Why do satellites stay in orbit? How does gravity affect tides?


​In-person-visi - Coding Extension - Mars Helicopter

​120 min.

​​For students with Scratch experience

​In this activity, students use Scratch to create a video game that lets players explore the Red Planet with a helicopter like NASA's Ingenious!


​In-person-visi - Coding Extension - Zombie Doctor Game

​120 min

​​For students with Scratch experience

​After a brief introduction to Scratch, students create their own "Zombie Doctor" video game


​In-person-visit- Coding Extension - Spirograph, Fractals and Kaleidoscope

​120 minutes

For students with Scratch experience

In this activity, students use Scratch’s pen extension to draw fascinating dynamic patterns.  Introduced are user created blocks (i.e., subroutines), arguments, parameters, and recursion.  


In-person - Flight​ 
Second part requires use of gymnasium ​​

180 min.

Late in the unit

An introduction will review the properties of air, Bernoulli's Principle, Newton's Third Law, adaptations that allow animals to fly and a brief history of flight if time permits.   Part two: Students will perform test flight using gliders, (must be done in the gym,) to determine how different variables (wing position, tail position, nose weight and launching thrust,) affects flight.


In-person-visit Electricity

120-180 min.

End of the unit. 

In small groups of 2-3, students will work through several activities; Students connect batteries in different ways and measure voltages, work with magnets and an electromagnet to understand the connection between magnetism and electricity, compare different materials to see what conducts electricity, and are introduced to the concept of current.  The session concludes with a demonstration using a plasma ball.


In-person-visit Heat​ 

80-100 min.

Middle to the end of the unit.

This demonstration is intended to extend students understanding of heat and temperature; specifically, how properties of common materials change with decreasing temperature.  This activity needs to be done in the gym or other spacious area.


Cells​ - Currently unavailable

100 min.

Prior knowledge should include difference in plant/animal cells and osmosis.

Volunteers will set up 15 microscopes and have students, working in pairs to will compare size and appearance of cheek and onion skin cells. They will also observe the affect of osmosis.


Systems - Currently unavailable

180 min

End of the unit

Students are introduced to "systems" thinking by focusing on how simple machines use and waste energy to achieve useful purposes.  Among others, a trebuchet (medieval catapult) is used as an example.


In-person Fluids  Requires use of gymnasium 

60-80 min.

Middle to the end of the unit.

Using syringes, tubing devices, and examples of hydraulic and pneumatic systems to illustrate various concepts in relation to fluids.  Students will ride a home-crafted hovercraft and explore where hydraulics and pneumatics are used in everyday life.