Alternative Education - Connections Program

​​The goal of Connections is to provide out of school adult (18-20 year old) learners with a plan to earn their Ontario Secondary School Diploma. Options include self-study correspondence courses, alternative eLearning courses, and in-person secondary school classes.  

​​Please call 519-354-6100, ext. 4 or email Karen Bieber to make an appointment.

Dennis Meston - "SAL/Connections Project" Teacher

SAL - Supervised Alternative Learning (14-17 year old)

Connections (18-20 year old)

  • service for at risk students and early leavers to re-engage students with our schools

  • serve as the first point of contact for students leaving secondary day school programs

  • works with Student Success Teachers/Guidance Personal/Administration, will work with secondary schools to design appropriate academic pathways for, and provide ongoing support to students