Texthelp's Read&Write for Google Chrome and OrbitDoc
Click on the Read&write for Chrome Logo or the OrbitDoc logo Below for Information and Resources
Read&Write for Google Chrome
Click on the Read&write for Chrome Logo Above for Information and Resources
Read&Write lets everyone read, write and express themselves more confidently and independently.
The easy-to-use toolbar makes documents, files and web pages more accessible. Read&Write is a big confidence booster for anyone who needs a little support with their reading and writing. And its friendly literacy features help English Language Learners, as well as people with learning difficulties or requiring dyslexia tools.
Hear text read out loud, or use the Click to Speak and Hover Speech Tools
Word Prediction Tool
Picture & Word Dictionaries Tools
Highlighters, and Web Search Tools
Grammar, spelling and confusable words checker with the Check It Tool
Screen Masking and Page Simplify Tools
Voice Note Tool
All Tools work on the internet
Read&Write makes lots of everyday literacy tasks simpler, quicker and more accurate.

OrbitNote (PDF Reader)

Click on the Orbitnote Logo Above for Information and Resources
Experience PDFs in a whole new way with Texthelp’s OrbitNote (PDF Reader).
OrbitDoc (PDF Reader) allows you to open PDF documents using the 'Open with' directly within Google Drive or Google Classroom by choosing OrbitNote. This redirects you to Texthelp's OrbitNote Chrome extension, allowing you to quickly and easily open PDF documents.
OrbitNote has powerful features and collaboration tools to take your PDF experience to the next level, featuring:
• Collaborate in real time on PDFs shared in Google Drive
• Add and reply to text comments (just like in Google Docs!)
• Add images and links
• Leave audio comments using only your voice
• Read text aloud
• Look up words in the Dictionary and Picture Dictionary
• Translate words
• Add text annotations using Word Prediction and Talk&Type
• Highlight text
• Build vocabulary lists

OrbitDoc integrates to work smoothly with Google Classroom.
SeeSaw and Read&Write on the Chromebook
Click on the Seesaw Logo Above for Information and Resources on Using It With Read&Write
SeeSaw has many accessibility features that can support students built right into it such as:
The ability to add voice or multimedia instructions
The ability for students to take pictures, videos, draw on the page and/or add voice or multimedia responses
Add Read&Write and students now have support when using text boxes
SeeSaw + Read&Write

With Read&Write for Chrome, students can use the Word Prediction and/or the Talk&Type Tools when using a text box in the Drawing and/or Journal Responses. However, it is best to copy a response from Google Docs into SeeSaw to take advantage of all the R&W tools.
Mind Mapping Tools: Mindomo & GitMind
Click on the Mindomo or Gitmind Logo Below for Information and Resources