Dual Credit at LKDSB
Lambton Kent District School Board is proud to partner with Lambton College & St Clair College to provide eligible students an opportunity to enroll in the Dual Credit Program
The Dual Credit program offers senior students who qualify, the opportunity to enroll in college level courses which will provide them with both a college credit and high school credit upon completion. This unique arrangement allows students the chance to experience life and learning in a college environment.
Please note that because our board is geographically large, our North based students will select from the Lambton College courses and our South based students will select from the St Clair College courses. Schools that are more central to each college may have the opportunity to select from either college. Please speak to your counsellor for more information.

Dual Credits are not to be considered an entitlement program: Students enrolled in a secondary school need to be approved by the Student Success Team, following guidelines established by both the Ministry of Education and the Lambton Kent District School Board.
What makes a student eligible?
The Student is:
enrolled in a Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM)
enrolled in the Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program
returning to high school to get their diploma
interested in exploring career pathways, including apprenticeships
looking for help with the transition to college or an apprenticeship program
at risk of not graduating from high school