
eLearning is available to students currently in grade 8 to 7th year (age 21)

The registration deadline is Friday, June 28, 2024. Early registration is encouraged to ensure acceptance into the requested program/course.

2024 Course Offerings​

  • PRISM Website​ 

  • Select "Lambton Kent District School Board" and "Summer - July - eLearning - Regular"

  • LKDSB Grade 8 students are eligible to take Grade 10 civics/careers or any Grade 9 course

  • Please contact your guidance counsellor about enrolling in a course.

On Monday, June 24, students registered in online learning courses will receive an email with instructions about their course.  If you do not receive this email then please Karen Bieber at the address below.

Program Dates & Locations​

Dates: July 2 - July 29, 2024

Please direct inquiries to:

  • Karen Bieber, Clerk

  • Paul Wiersma, Principal​

Brightspace Parent & Guardian

For parents and guardians of students in classes

  • CHV2OE-T1, Ms. Lane

  • GLC2OE-T1, Mr. Burke

  • ENL1WE-E1, Mr. Elliott

  • ENG2PE-E1, Ms. Dunlop

  • MCR3UE-E1, Mr. McBain

  • SBI3CE-E1, Mr. Regan

  • SBI3UE-E1, Mr. Regan

​Instructions Brightspace Parent and Guardian

College and University Applicants:

  • LKDSB students: Final marks will be sent to OCAS and OUAC by your home school.

  • Non-LKDSB students: Final marks will be sent to OCAS and OUAC. Please edit your OCAS or OUAC application to list the Lambton Kent B E Summer School to your current list of schools. Please refer to the following instructions. ​Final Marks for College and University Applicants