Equity Action Plan

As a commitment to inclusive diversity and the championing of anti-oppressive education, which were priorities identified in their 2020/2021-2025/2026 strategic plan, Lambton Kent District School Board (LKDSB) voluntarily hired a consultant to conduct a Human Resources Equity Audit (Equity Audit). ​​

An Equity Audit consists of a comprehensive review of written and unwritten, formal and informal employment policies, practices, and procedures that identify and make recommendations for the removal of systemic/institutional, cultural, and attitudinal barriers to equitable policies and practices, a diverse workforce, and an inclusive work environment. These audits provide an organization with information on what is working well and what requires improvement so that it can build on its strengths and remove the identified barriers.

Through the LKDSB's Equity Audit, a number of priorities were identified. Belonging to each of these priorities were corresponding recommendations to address any identified barriers and gaps, increase diversity, develop equitable policies and practices, and create a truly inclusive organization. In addition, several goals, supporting action items and expected outcomes, which champion equity and inclusion, are included in the LKDSB 2023-2024 Operational Plan, a guiding document that addresses significant areas of growth and opportunity to better the organization.

Benefits of the Equity Audit are vast, but include increased student success and well-being, strengthened employee relations, and improved job satisfaction and productivity.