Forest Area of Schools Ad Hoc Naming Committee

​​​In June of this year, The Lambton Kent District School Board (LKDSB) invited members of the Forest area community to share their thoughts on a name for the Forest Area Kindergarten to Grade 12 school.

An Ad Hoc Naming Committee was then formed. This Committee determined criteria for the potential name and invited the public to submit ideas for names of the new facility, with a deadline of September 25, 2023.

The Committee has completed the challenging task of narrowing the list of potential names from more than 130 down to 12, and are now looking for feedback from the Forest area community on this shortened list.

On October 5, a survey​ will go live, wherein participants are asked to select one preferred First Name and one preferred Name Ending, respectively. This data will further assist the Committee in gauging the public's opinion on the new name. 

The survey will be open for submissions until Friday, October 20, 2023. 

Please direct all questions or comments through email address by clicking here

More information about the Naming of Board Facilities:​

Meeting Schedule - Open to Public - ​

Meeting Date


Record of Action​

​February 19, 2019 

​POSTPONED - Date to be determined

November 22, 2022 @ Regular Board Meeting

Board Report​

​May 4, 2023

5:00 p.m.
North Lambton Secondary School, Library


Record of Action​

September 28, 2023

5:00 p.m.
North Lambton Secondary School, Library


Record of Action

October 30, 2023

5:00 p.m.
North Lambton Secondary School, Library​


Record of Action​

NOTE:  Record of Action is posted following approval at the next meeting date.