About Our Program

We believe that Lambton Kent District School Board can provide a positive experience for your students. We pride ourselves in a strong personal approach in an English environment. Students who come to study with us will receive a top education, supportive learning environment and a foundation that will set them on a path to success in post-secondary education in the future.
Welcoming Community
Lambton Kent District School Board is a welcoming place for students to study and fully integrate into life in Canada. We have seen the value that international students can bring to our classrooms, our homes and our community by broadening the view of our teachers and students.
Small Classes and English Immersion Environment
Our average class sizes are about 25 students, so we ensure that every special need of every student could be met appropriately. We have 64 schools in total in our school board, of which we have 12 high schools (four (4) of which offer ESL support). All our schools are excited to welcome students into their community and so reaching out to other schools is a possibility. We can assure you that your students will be fully immersed in an English environment no matter what school they are placed at. The ratio of international to Canadian students in our schools is very low, so we provide an opportunity for a “true” Canadian experience.

Quality Education and ESL Support
We will provide each of your students with a top quality educational program, along with full ESL (English as a Second Language) support as necessary. Students will be welcomed into their homes, schools and community as they learn the Canadian customs and acquire necessary English skills needed for academic success.
Caring Homestays
International students will experience the unconditional support of our program staff and the genuine hospitality of Canadian home stay families. Our staff will help guide students in their academic program, studies, introduce them to local students and encourage them to join after-school activities. Our bilingual staff will help students adjust to life in a new land and ensure parents are informed of their progress on a regular basis.