Assistive Technology for the iPad

The LKDSB Provides Staff and Students with Several Apps to Support Students with their Reading and Writing on the iPad.

These Apps (Unless Noted) Are Available for All Students.

Read&Write Keyboard

Click on the Keyboard Below for Information and Resources.

Read&Write Keyboard

Read&Write Web Toolbar for Safari

Click on the Web Toolbar Below for Information and Resources.

Web Toolbar for Safari

Read and Write for the iPad App Icon

rw logo

Read&Write for iPad is an alternative keyboard for your iPad. It includes several features making reading and writing text is quicker, easier and more accurate. It includes speech with dual colour highlighting, speak as you type, word prediction as you type, spell checker, a dictionary, and a picture dictionary. Installing Read&Write for iPad also adds a Web toolbar to your Safari browser, giving you a helping hand with reading web pages or filling in online forms.

ClaroPDF for the iPad

Click on the Claro Software Logo Below for Information and Resources.

Claro software

ClaroPDF Software

Click on the Claro Software Logo Above for Information and Resources.

ClaroPDF is an accessible, reading and study PDF tool for all. Annotate, mark up and save PDF files which are then still fully compatible with Adobe Reader and other popular PDF apps. Have accessible text PDF files read back to you with a human quality voice & synchronised highlighting.

ClaroPDF - Free Version

ClaroPDF - Free Version

ClaroPDF - Free Version

(Can be used by ALL Students)

The free version of ClaroPDF Reader will read out PDF files with synchronised highlighting, allows students to annotate on the PDF, and includes full text search.

Click on the Claro Software Logo for Information and Resources.

ClaroPDF - Paid Version

ClaroPDF - Paid Version

(Student with SEA devices have this version).

The paid version of Claro PDF Reader includes all of the features of the free version, but also includes more choice in voices, including children's voices, and the ability to add audio and video files to a PDF. As well, it can convert text, images and web pages to PDF files from other apps such as Safari.

Click on the Claro Software Logo for Information and Resources.

SeeSaw and Read&Write on the iPad

Click on the Seesaw Logo Below for Information and Resources.

seesaw logo

Click on the Seesaw Logo Above for Information and Resources on Using It With Read&write.

SeeSaw + Read&Write

SeeSaw has many accessibility features that can support students built right into it such as:

  • The ability to add voice or multimedia instructions

  • The ability for students to take pictures, videos, draw on the page and/or add voice or multimedia responses

  • Add Read&Write and students now have support when using text boxes

rw logo

With Read&Write for iPad Keyboard, students can use the Word Prediction, Dictionary and/or the Talk&Type when using a text box in the Drawing and/or Journal Responses.