Attention Students attending RDHS in September 2020
We will be posting more information on the RDHS website soon for you to see, including videos of the school, messages from teachers and some pictures to help you see the school right now. TIP! Once we are open to the public, please call the school (519-674-5449) to setup a time to come in and see your new “home away from home".
Want more information and news on RDHS?
Twitter: @ridgetown. dhs
Grade 7&8 Facebook: RDHS 7&8 (@RDHS78)
Call: 519-674-5449
Email to Admin:
Here Are Some Fast Facts!
RDHS is located in School Bus Zone 6/7
Our school colours are Royal Blue and White
We are the home of the Royals
RDHS offers a free snack program for all students throughout the day
Our cafeteria opens for students first thing in the morning and stays open until lunch is over
RDHS has daily announcements, students can hear the news and important reminders
You will have your locker assigned at registration, we provide the lock
We have been part of the Ridgetown Community since 1883
RDHS Gr. 7&8 Daily Schedule
Block 1: 9:20 - 10:00
Block 2: 10:00 - 10:40
Block 3: 10:40 - 11:20
1st Nutrition Break: 11:20 – 12:00
Block 4: 12:00 - 12:40
Block 5: 12:40 - 1:20
Block 6: 1:20 - 1:40
2nd Nutrition Break: 1:40 – 2:20
Block 7: 2:20 - 3:00
Block 8: 3:00 - 3:40
Dismissal and Buses: 3:40
If you are a new student to RDHS coming from a school other than RDHS or Naahii Ridge Public School, you will have to register with the office. Please call the school or contact an administrator to get more information.
Class Assignments
All students will be assigned a homeroom classroom in June. You will receive notification on the classroom and teacher that will welcome you in the fall by the end of June. We will have introduction videos from the teachers posted for you to watch as well. We will plan an activity first thing in the fall for all students to have fun with their new teachers and give parents an opportunity to meet them. Due to the unique 3 class setup at RDHS, we also use other teachers to deliver academic content to the students. We will have videos and opportunities to meet those teachers as well. If you would like to see the current staff, please go to the RDHS website on the More tab for a Staff List.
Payments During the School Year
We use school cash online to accept any fees, class organized lunch costs, fundraising, field trips and other payments you may make to the school. Closer to the start of school you can sign up for school cash online.
Your locker will be assigned on the day of registration or the first day of school. Locks will be provided by the school. Please leave your lock on the locker, as RDHS is not responsible for items taken from your locker. Do NOT give your combination to anyone and money or other valuables should not be left in your locker - leave them at home where they are safe. If someone learns your combination, please come to the office to get a new lock immediately. Students are NOT allowed to share lockers, so there should be no reason to give your combination to anyone. Please take care of this locker as you are responsible for its condition. Backpacks and coats are to be left in your lockers as they are a tripping/safety hazard in the classrooms. TIP! If you have any issues with your locker, come to the office, or see the closest teacher. Don't worry, we spend the first week helping students with lockers and we understand it can be a hard time for anyone.
RDHS Student Handbook
An electronic version of the handbook can be found on the RDHS website. Please familiarize yourself with the rules and policies outlined in the handbook.
Resource Assistance
Our Resource Room and teacher are open to all students who require extra assistance in any subject area and may need an alternative space to work at scheduled times during the day. Students with an Individual Education Plan will meet with the Resource Teacher to review and discuss their IEP annually. If you have any questions regarding an IEP, please contact your child's resource teacher or the administration of the school.
Extra-Curricular Activities
We have an amazing line up of extra-curricular activities at RDHS. Make your school experience memorable buy taking part in the fun!
Get Involved!!!!
Clubs & Activities | Sports Teams |
Student Parliament Yearbook Drama Club Book Club Maker Mondays Horticulture Club Gaming Club (Role Playing Games) Student Athletic Association Equity Club Coding Club Environmental Club Delaware Room Meet & Greet Lunches | Cross Country Volleyball Basketball Badminton Soccer Track and Field |
Spirit Wear
Interested in ordering Royal Clothing? There is a link on our RDHS website near the bottom of the page. Our store is opened twice a year where Royals are able to order several great clothing items. All items are shipped to RDHS for your convenience.