School Climate Survey

2024 School Climate Survey
PLEASE NOTE: The 2024 School Climate Survey has been EXTENDED and will now close on April 20, 2024.
The Ontario Ministry of Education asks all school boards in Ontario to conduct an anonymous school climate survey on a regular basis so boards of education can help schools:
Assess perceptions of safety, mental health and well-being – from students, parents and school staff;
Make informed planning decisions about programs to help prevent bullying and promote safe and inclusive schools;
Determine the effectiveness of their programs on an ongoing basis; and
Build and sustain a positive school climate.
Continue to build parent voice/participation in survey
Lambton Kent District School Board's 2024 School Climate Surveys will be open from Thursday, March 21st until Friday, April 5th. The results of these surveys will be used by our Safe Schools team, as well as by the Board.
Information regarding each respective survey group can be found below:
LKDSB Parent/Guardian Survey
Parent/Guardian Survey
Please use this link to access the Parent/Guardian Survey any time between March 21st and April 5th.
LKDSB Staff Survey
LKDSB Staff Surveys were sent out to all LKDSB school staff on Thursday, March 21st. If you are an LKDSB schools staff and you have not received a link to the Staff Survey, please contact your principal.
LKDSB Student Surveys
Each LKDSB student will have the opportunity to participate in the survey during in school at a date and time designated by school administration.
The more we know, the better we can do. Thank you for participating in the LKDSB 2024 School Climate Survey. Your time and participation are very much appreciated.