Special Education Advisory Committee

Useful Links:

LKDSB Special Education Advisory Committee Brochure

LKDSB Exceptional Pupil Brochure (Your Child, School and Special Education Supports)​​

The Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) advises the Lambton Kent District School Board (LKDSB) in regards to exceptional children and their education and is part of the partnership of students, school, family, and community support services that are essential to the success of all exceptional students. 

SEAC members and the community groups that they represent are important resources to exceptional children and their families.

SEAC works to support the School Board in its Philosophy of Special Education: "The Lambton Kent District School Board is committed to providing educational opportunities that will assist every child in personal and intellectual development. To that end the Board believes and actively supports the provision of programs that will meet student needs in the most enabling environment."

About Exceptional Children:

An exceptional child is "A pupil whose behavioural, communication, intellectual, physical or multiple exceptionalities are such that the pupil is considered to need a placement in a special education program

The Education Act and its Regulations provide that all school-aged children are entitled to a publicly supported education. Pupils who are exceptional have a right to special education programs and services. The Act also provides for the formation of a Special Education Advisory Committee to assist the School Board in providing special education to these children.

Abo​ut the Special Education Advisory Committee:

The Lambton Kent District School Board establishes a Special Education Advisory Committee to advise and make recommendations to the Board about any matter pertaining to the education of exceptional students.

SEAC is responsible to the Board for examining, reviewing and making recommendations regarding the provision of special education programs and services, including the following areas:

  • philosophy and goals

  • policies and procedures

  • program delivery, methods, services and facilities.

  • funding

​Who are the members of SEAC?

SEAC members are appointed by the Board, for a four year term. SEAC membership includes representation from provincial community associations that represent exceptional children, the public at large, and school board trustees. The superintendent responsible for special education acts as a resource to SEAC.

Members must be Canadian citizens, at least eighteen years of age, a resident of the school board area, and a public school board supporter. Employees of the school board are not eligible to be members.

What is expected of SEAC members?

SEAC members are expected to represent the interests of all exceptional children, both their represented groups as well as those with other exceptionalities.

To fulfil this obligation, SEAC members through their role on SEAC must become informed on all exceptionalities, the school board’s special education plan, programs and services, and the issues and challenges facing special education today and in the future.

SEAC members are also expected to provide information, advice and assistance to families of exceptional children as requested.

More information about SEAC:

​SEAC meets monthly during the school year, members of the community are welcome to attend. Meeting information can be obtained by contacting the Board Office, or SEAC members. For a list of the SEAC Meeting dates, clic​k here​​.