Student Support Services/Well-Being

The Lambton Kent District School Board is committed to providing education opportunities that will assist every child in personal and intellectual development. To that end, the Board believes in and actively supports inclusionary programs that will meet student needs in the most enabling environment. For most students this will mean the provision of a range of strategies, programs, and resources in the regular classroom in the home school setting. 

Exceptional students do, however, vary by type and degree of exceptionality; therefore, a constantly evolving continuum of programs and services is necessary to meet student needs. In order to ensure that the needs of exceptional pupils are met, the Lambton Kent District School Board will provide a planned approach for providing differentiated programs and services which respond sensitively to each pupil's individual level of development.

More information can be obtained by contacting:

Mary-Ann Tuer​
Administrative Assistant
Lambton Kent District School Board
Sarnia - 519-336-1500 ext. 31495
Chatham - 519-354-3775 ext. 31495
Email Mary-Ann Tuer​