Summer Co-op
Summer Co-op Coordinator: Lindsay Reynen
Who is eligible to enroll?
All current grade 11 and 12 LKDSB students.
What is the priority of acceptance?
Due to the limited capacity in the summer co-op program, spots will be prioritized and allocated in the following manner:
Grade 11 or 12 age students who require credits to get back on track for graduation. Students must have a placement arranged already.
SHSM College/University bound students entering Grade 12 whose regular timetable cannot accommodate a two-period co-operative education placement; or, a graduate who is not returning but still needs two co-op credits to complete the SHSM requirements.
All other senior LKDSB students wishing to obtain co-op credits during the summer months.
How to apply?
Complete the application form and return it to your Guidance Department by June 14.
The Student Services Department will submit the completed applications for all school-approved applicants to the LKDSB Summer Co-op Coordinator.
How does the program work?
Students are responsible for arranging their own placement, which will be reviewed and approved by the Co-operative Education Teacher. The Employer must be agreeable to having teachers monitor the student at the placement.
All employer supervisors must agree to teacher monitoring visits and evaluations for the placement.
If the student is part of the SHSM program, the placement must be related to the SHSM sector in which the student is enrolled.
Students must complete the application and have it approved by the home school.
Students will use Brightspace, myBlueprint, MTEL and other online forums to complete mandatory preplacement activities. Teachers will contact students the week of June 17th. Pre-placement will begin mid-June online and must be completed by Thursday, June 27th. Pre-placement activities take approximately 25 hours.
Students in 2 credits will complete 180 or more hours of work and 1 credit will complete 90 or more hours of work at their co-op placement between July 2nd and August 9th. Students must complete weekly logs and assignments as part of the program.
Students are responsible for their own transportation to their summer placements.
Students are encouraged to complete their WHMIS and WHSA (Worker Health and Safety Awareness) training early to maximize their time at their placement. See the following document on how to access the training. Summer Co-op Student Training
Registration Forms
Summer Coop Application 2024.docx (only accessible by LKDSB staff)