
As announced by the Minister of Education on March 31st, all Ontario schools including LKDSB schools will be closed until May 4th due to the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak. LKDSB secondary teachers will be facilitating three hours per week of learning for our students. Please have students check their LKDSB Google email or current online course materials for further instructions from teachers. Below you will find a variety of resources to ensure students can access digital tools our teachers will be using to facilitate learning at home.

Resources for teachers, students, parents with respect to mental health and wellbeing

Kids Help Phone is Canada's only 24/7 national service offering professional counselling, information, referrals and volunteer-led, text-based support for youth across Canada

A website with program, resources and services related to local mental health

Resources to support a well-balanced life. Explore the variety of resources to find those that work for you

Teenmentalhealth.org is the Canada based international hub for information on youth mental health. Through evidence-based resources and programs, we provide youth, parents, educators and clinicians with the knowledge, understanding, and tools necessary to improve mental health care for youth.