Northern Collegiate Institute & Vocational School
Northern is located in School Bus Zone 1 and 2.
Home of the Vikings, our school colours are red, white and black.
Northern is home to over 1150 students, including 290 who will be in grade 9 in September
Peer Mentoring Program that assists our Grade 9s transition to high school.
Only high school in Canada to compete in the Shell ECO-challenge.
Offer programming in French Immersion
Gr 11 & 12 students can participate in the Dual Credit Program as well as the Specialist High Skills Major Program. Sectors in the SHSM program include Arts & Culture, Construction, Energy, Health & Wellness, Information & Communication Technology, Manufacturing and Transportation.
A Breakfast program is provided for ALL students before school in our Resource area, room 142.
Our large, updated cafeteria offers healthy food each day, before school, at first break and during our common lunch hour. Board games, a grand piano, and accessible outlets are welcome for students to use.
Our school motto is Praemium Est Paratis…..”The Reward is for the Ready”.
All students register at Northern the last week in August. This summer, you will receive information in the mail regarding Grade 9 registration - “O-Day.” On this day, you will have the chance to:
Receive your timetable
Lockers and locks are assigned and are yours for the duration of your time at NCIVS.
Participate in activities with our peer mentors that help our new Vikings get oriented to the school by offering tours, following their timetable and getting to know one another.
Pay Student Activity Fees
Purchase Phys Ed Uniforms and Yearbook
If you register through School Cash Online ahead of time, you will be able to pay these fees in advance
School Cash Online can be used to pay for course fees, field trips, etc. Near the start of the school year, parents can register for school cash online using the following link. SchoolCash Online.
Bell Times
Period A: 8:20 am – 9:40 am
Period B: 9:50 am – 11:05 am
Lunch: 11:05 am – 11:50 am
Period C: 11:50 am – 1:05 pm
Period D: 1:15 pm – 2:30 pm
Your locker will be assigned on the day of registration or the first day of school. Locks will be provided by the school. Please leave your lock on the locker. The school is not responsible for items taken from your locker. Money or other valuables should not be left in your locker. Leave them at home. The locker you are assigned will be yours for the duration of your high school career. Please take care of this locker as you are responsible for its condition. Students are NOT allowed to share lockers. Backpacks and coats are to be left in your lockers as they are a safety hazard in the classrooms. All locker concerns should be directed to the main office.
Community Service Hours
As part of their graduating requirements, each student must complete a minimum of 40 hours of community involvement. Students are eligible to begin completing these hours as soon as they graduate from Grade 8. Here’s a link for the tracking form and eligible and ineligible volunteer activities. Community Involvement Activities
Student Supports
Our Administration team works with families and the community to support our students. Our Vice Principals are divided by grades. For the 2024-25 year, Mr. Jeffrey will oversee grades 10 and 12 and Mr. Passmore grades 9 and 11.
Student Services have 3 full-time guidance counsellors that offer students support and advice with course selections and timetables, career planning and personal or emotional needs.
Student Success has a dedicated room and teacher that is open to all students who require extra assistance in any subject area. They offer extra help sessions, alternative work space, credit rescue and credit recovery. They also host the Back on Track or homework club after school 2 times per week.
Resource will provide accommodations for students identified with an Individual Education Plan. The Resource teacher will meet with students and their families, along with the student support team to review and discuss their IEP annually. Our Resource teacher, Ms. Odolphy, organizes the Heads Up Head Start program for our Grade 9s.
Extra-Curricular Involvements
Northern boasts a culture of involvement. There are many opportunities for students to get involved including athletic teams, The Arts, and prominent clubs such as MAC and Key Club. Including athletic events, Northern hosts events for the community each year including:
MAC Night
Drama Production
Music Concert
Below is a list of NCIVS clubs and sports.
Clubs | Athletic Teams |
| Fall Sports:
Winter Sports:
Spring Sports:
Spirit Wear
Northern sells spirit wear in the fall and spring.