
W.D.S.S. has approximately 800 students in grades 7 to 12. The exceptional staff provide outstanding opportunities for our students both in their courses and extracurricular activities.

Wallaceburg District Secondary School offers a full complement of classes and courses from Grade 7 through Grade 12. Courses in the various subject areas in grades 9 to 12 are offered in a variety of levels of study (Destreamed, Academic, Applied, Open, College, University/College, University, Workplace, Essential, A.L.L.P. (Alternative Learning, Life Skills Program) , M.F. Medically Fragile, and Gifted & Enrichment programming.

The school also offers specific programming to support student success including Learning Strategies courses, a Co-operative Education program, O.Y.A.P (Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program) and a full range of resource services. W.D.S.S. also offers a fully Provincially accredited Personal Support Worker program and Dual Credit opportunities with Community Colleges. We offer Native Studies and Language courses. Five S.H.S.M.’s (Specialist High School Majors) are offered at W.D.S.S. in Arts & Culture, Environment, Health & Wellness, Manufacturing and Hospitality & Tourism.