Wallaceburg District Secondary School
Attention Students attending WDSS in September 2024
We have created a google classroom for you to engage in some transition fun and learning about our school. If you have registered to be in Grade 9 for September 2024 and want in on the fun, Email Linda Nethery to get the code to the classroom. We are excited for you to join the WDSS community!
Grade 9 Orientation
Grade 9 orientation activities are planned for our new grade 9 Tartans designed to ease the transition into high school. Grade 9's get to know each other by participating in these activities, they meet some amazing student leaders and get to know some of our teaching staff. All leaders apply for the position and understand what an honour it is to welcome our grade 9's to the Tartan family. The staff and leaders involved come from various extra curricular areas of interest around the school to encourage grade 9's to get involved while at WDSS. The day is designed so that all grade 9's make a caring connection with someone right away. This combination of engagement and friendship is the recipe to keep them coming to school and see success.
Fun Facts
WDSS is located in bus zone 5
Only school in LKDSB with a pool
Community School - grades 7-12 school
PSW Program - only 2 of these programs in the LKDSB
Approved accreditation centre for welding
State of the art Library and Fitness Centre
Many former Tartan athletes competing in the OCAA/OUA
5 SHSM (Specialist High Skills Major) sectors including Arts & Culture, Environment, Health & Wellness, Hospitality and Manufacturing
Community HUB space where community agencies run programming for students after school hours
Social Media Platforms
Registration Info
Students can register in person in August 2024 one week prior to the first day of school. More information will be sent out in July. Registration fees you may be asked to pay include: student activity fees, phys.ed uniform, yearbook, locker rental fee. Students outside of the LKDSB may register online under Secondary Registration.
Bronze Boot
The Bronze Boot tradition started at Wallaceburg District Secondary School in the 1960's.
Bronze Boot activities are scheduled in the fall, typically the week following Thanksgiving.
The student council and athletic association plan various fun activities for staff, students, and alumni.
The festivities have historically involved a football game where “The Boot" was awarded to the victor.
In 2008, a new trophy was created to preserve the history and recognize the NFL success of WDSS's Shaun Suisham.
A game worn kicking cleat was bronzed and mounted. This trophy is still awarded annually.

Community Service Hours Info
Did you know, students must complete 40 hours of community involvement in order to graduate? Students are eligible to begin completing these hours as soon as they officially graduate grade 8! Consider using the summer before Grade 9 starts to find ways to volunteer in our community. We have lots of community events and organizations that could use your help! Click here to view the requirements and/or download a tracking form .
Student Success Team
Our Student Success Team works with students, parents and teachers to ensure that a plan is put in place for each student to work toward achieving their credits. Student success strategies may include extra help sessions, alternative work space, credit recovery or credit rescue initiatives. Students may be approached by members of this team during the course of the school year as an extra support. Many of the student success strategies are available to all students.
HJC Team
The Walpole Island First Nation Secondary School Program is part of the WIFN Education Department. The program staff are located in the Harriet Jacobs Centre, Room 115, at Wallaceburg District Secondary School. The Harriet Jacobs Centre staff assist in enhancing student success by working alongside WDSS administration, support staff, teachers and families. The HJC staff are available to assist First Nation students with academic and personal matters on a daily basis. While each student requires assistance in different ways, each student's needs are met on an individual basis, according to their situation.
Our Team
Donovan Jacobs - Program Coordinator
Responsible for overseeing the Secondary School Program Team that facilitates and provides on-site services to Walpole Island First Nation students at Wallaceburg District Secondary School. The Coordinator coordinates all program development and implementation at the secondary level, prepares and monitors budget requirements.
Robin Isaac - Career Advisor/Education Support Worker
Provides support and direction for all WIFN students to continue their education into occupational or other post-secondary education.
Nanette Kewayosh - Attendance Worker
Responsible for attendance for Walpole Island First Nation students at WDSS. The Attendance Worker is also a liaison between the student, school, family and community.
Indigenous Graduation Coach
Tyler White is the Indigenous Graduation Coach for WDSS. The role of the Indigenous Graduation Coach is to help Indigenous students along their path throughout High School. The goal is to help students prepare for what is beyond Graduation and to help students realize what they want to be and how they can achieve it. The Graduation Coach works with student not only looking at graduation but also assist with:
Transitions (coming into Grade 7 and 9 and beyond High School)
Volunteer Opportunities
Navigation of LKDSB supports (Guidance, Social work, student success, etc.)
Workplace and Post Secondary School trips
Connection with families and staff
Working with Administration to promote student success
Course Selection
Scholarships and Busaries
If you are a student with an IEP, you can access the Resource Enrichment Centre (REC) for extra support with your assignments, study tips, organizational assistance, access to technology or additional time on tests/exams. REC is a drop in centre so you can come down from your classes when you need to. It's really easy to access. After the lesson is done, just ask your teacher for a pass to come to REC!
Student Services
Our student services team at WDSS consists of guidance counsellors that are available to assist students with things such as:
Course Selection and Career Planning
Post-Secondary Information and Application Assistance
Scholarship and Financial Aid Information
Confidential Counseling and Referral Service
WDSS guidance counsellors include Mrs. Kardas and Mrs. Nethery. Guidance appointments can be booked online here.
We are always here to help out whenever needed!
This room at WDSS houses a pantry with food, clothing, personal items, laundry facilities and kitchen available to students as needed. This space is staffed by groups such as CK Link and the YMCA to provide a friendly social gathering space for students offering various activities throughout the year. The WDSS breakfast program is run out of this space, where breakfast is available to all students 5 days a week.
School Lunches
In January 2024, WDSS’ hospitality department will be providing lunch for students out of the school cafeteria. Students are able to purchase items made fresh daily by our hospitality students.
Clubs and Teams
Athletic Teams at WDSS:
Fall Season - Golf, Tennis, Senior Girls Basketball, Junior Girls Basketball, Boys Volleyball, Varsity Football, Boys Baseball, Cross Country
Winter Season - Swimming, Girls Hockey, Boys Hockey, Boys Curling, Girls Curling, Junior Boys Basketball, Senior Boys Basketball, Junior Girls Volleyball, Senior Girls Volleyball
Spring Season - Girls Soccer, Boys Soccer, Track and Field, Girls/Boys Badminton, Girls Softball
Clubs at WDSS -
Student Council
SAA (Student Athletic Association)
Crochet Club
Future Elders
Game Club
Makerspace Club
Music Club
Drama Club
Dungeons and Dragons Club
Chess Club
Sewing Club
Equity and Diversity
Christian Fellowship