Student Achievement Plan

Lambton Kent District School Board's (LKDSB) 2023-2024 Student Achievement Plan Public Reporting Template (previously known as the Board Improvement Plan). The Student Achievement Plan Public Reporting Template includes system-wide performance indicators and aligns with LKDSB's strategic priorities and operational plan. School boards are required to post this document to their website by April 2nd.  

The 2023-2024 Student Achievement Plan Public Reporting Template consists of two sections:  

1.    A summary report that provides board and provincial level data for each of 9 indicators that have been pre-populated by the Ministry (there are 2 indicators for which data is still forthcoming) 
2.    A description of board specific action plans to address each indicator 

Under the Better Schools and Student Outcomes Act, school boards are required to publicly report on progress towards the following provincial priorities: 

1.    Achievement of Learning Outcomes in Core Academic Skills 
2.    Preparation of Students for Future Success 
3.    Student Engagement and Well-Being  
Over the next few months, LKDSB will be working on the Student Achievement Plan Tool, which includes guiding questions to support interpretation of data and action plans for each of the goals to improve student experiences and outcomes. School boards will complete the Student Achievement Plan Tool by June 30th 2024. Please note that 2023-2024 LKDSB Operational Plan​​ is referenced throughout the 2023-2024 Student Achievement Plan Public Reporting Template. To access this document, please visit District Home Page, click on the “BOARD" tab, and follow the Strategic Priorities pathway. LKDSB's Operational Plans are on the left-hand menu.  

Student Achievement Plan