Co-op/Career Studies

Pathways/ Career Exploration

Step4step Diagram that contains 4 different questions for Education  and Career Life Planning

The LKDSB website the explores all things Pathways. A great way to start thinking about how to infuse future/career planning in your every day programming

my Blueprint logo

myBlueprint follows a comprehensive education and career planning process that meets the learning needs, interests, and aspirations of all students

Click here for student login information and parent account creation information

Edge factor logo


Explore on the job career information in a variety of sectors. Log into Brightspace and use the LKDSB Toolkit icon, choose EdgeFactor to be logged in.

The apprenticeship network logo

The Apprenticeship Network

The Sarnia-Lambton Apprentice Job Match is a tool to help match apprentices and employers.

Construct U logo

Construct U

This website allows students to discover careers in Residential and Industrial Construction

Careers in Construction website screenshot

Careers in Construction

A Canadian website that explore the various jobs available in the construction industry. Learn more about career paths, essential skills, and how to get started in a job

let's talk science logo

Let's Talk Science

This website allows students to discover careers in Science Related Careers

Job talks logo

Job Talks

This is a Canadian website that includes interviews with tradespeople who love their jobs. Hear why they chose their career, how they entered into it, and how others can too...

Chatham Kent Workforce Planning lgoo

Chatham Kent Workforce Planning

This website allows students to discover career opportunities right in Chatham-Kent

Sarnia-Lambton Workforce Development Board logo

Sarnia-Lambton Workforce Development Board

This website allows students to discover career opportunities right in Sarnia-Lambton