Pathways - Step 4 Step

Pathways to Sucess Step 4 Step

It takes the whole community - teachers, administrators, students, parents and community partners - to support students in successful education and career/life planning. A comprehensive program – one that focuses on guiding students’ development and not simply on transmitting information – can be transformational.​ Be part of the community, navigate this site to learn how to support students with career education and life planning along the way!

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The Individual Pathways Plan (IPP) is part of the Education and Career/Life Planning Program for all Ontario students (Grades K-12). All students in Grades 7-12 will develop an IPP that they will review and revise at least tw​ice each year.

Students are encouraged to explore these 4 questions in any order:

  • Who am I?

  • What are my​ opportunities?

  • Who do I want to become?

  • What is my plan for achieving my goals?

The continuous development of the Individual Pathways Plan provide students with a valuable collection of their learning experiences and resources to aid in their future planning.  This initiative helps students uncover their interests and strengths, explore new opportunities, make informed choices, and establish meaningful goals for their lives ahead.  They are acquiring vital skills in education and career planning that will benefit them well beyond high school.

As parents, your support is essential in this student-driven process.  Working alongside teachers, you can play a key role in guiding and encouraging your child as they embark on this exciting journey, equipping them with the tools they need to thrive!

​Contact Information

For student specific questions, please consult your child's school directly.