Mental Health & Addictions Strategy

Every School Board in the province of Ontario has a Mental Health and Addictions Strategy to promote mental health, prevent mental illness, and to improve the supports for all students.  

The Lambton Kent District School Board is committed to promoting positive mental health and well -being for all students. Student mental health is identified as a Board priority within the Community, Culture and Caring pillar of the overall Board Improvement Plan. It is part of a larger vision to continue to craft safe, healthy, inclusive and engaging schools.  Student mental health is inextricably tied to student engagement and academic achievement. This strategy recognizes the importance of mental health in the promotion of student success and achievement. 

The focus of the Strategy for the next three years has been identified based on the highest needs within the LKDSB and incorporates program evaluation and quality improvement at every level.  The core elements are as follows:

Reduce Stigma and Increase Reaching Out behaviour - create a culture of safety for accessing mental health support. 

Build Mental Health Literacy and Capacity to support students in need - provide staff with the knowledge, tools, and support to promote positive mental health. 

Collaborate and Align Across Initiatives and with Community Partners - developing and maintaining partnerships throughout the Board and the Community to develop comprehensive well-being programs

Promote Well-being - Build awareness and strategies to be well throughout life


Within the LKDSB, every school will be a mentally healthy school, where children and youth are supported and encouraged to maximize their full potential, and, in keeping with the Board's Vision, thus be equipped to help in their own way shape our world. Positive mental health and well-being will be supported and promoted. Partnerships with clearly defined goals, expectations, and roles will be developed to create a comprehensive and seamless pathway to care. A culture of caring and empathy will be the foundation for all to embrace, which will, in turn, allow for the development of productive, healthy contributors of our community.