Mental Health & Well-Being

LKDSB mental health professionals provide evidence informed individual, family and group support, counselling and consultation to help students overcome mental health/ social/ emotional/ behavioural/ academic barriers to learning. Our focus is on a strengths based, skills building approach to help increase resiliency and promote positive mental health and well-being.
If a student is experiencing issues that are affecting their school experience or general well-being, our mental health professionals can help them to find solutions and to make a plan.
As part of the ongoing efforts to support students' mental health and well-being and the transition back to school in September, LKDSB is providing additional mental health and well-being supports and resources throughout the summer. Mental Health Professionals are available for students to access during daily office hours, Monday to Friday. Email a LKDSB Mental Health Professional for support (please include your name and school location). Additional information is available through the 2024 Summer Engagement Camps.
To access the School Social Worker please contact the principal of your school directly to inquire about support.
Mental health is a positive concept, something we all have and need to nourish in order to lead healthy lives.
At the LKDSB, we support the development of mental health through curriculum, systematic training to staff, collaboration with community partners, and a focus on promoting well-being. Every school district in the province has a Mental Health Leader who is responsible for developing and implementing the board Mental Health and Addictions Strategy and Action Plan. The Mental Health Leader is a regulated health professional who works at the system level to provide mental health leadership, resources, and coaching to schools in the board. The Mental Health Leader, and the Superintendent with responsibility for mental health, is the board liaison to the provincial school mental health strategy, led by School Mental Health ASSIST.
For more information about mental health, contact:
Katie Colameco,
Mental Health Leader
519-336-1500 ext 31351
Email Katie Colameco
Twitter: @lkdsbwellness