Mental Health at LKDSB
There are many ways that the LKDSB is promoting mental health & well-being for our staff and students, here are just a few.
Interested to know how the Lambton Kent District School Board supports mental health and well-being? Check out this pamphlet for more information.
Intervention for Those in Need
Despite our best efforts, a small percentage of students will experience mental illnesses such as mood or anxiety disorders. Most people are able to recover from these illnesses and go on to live productive, successful and healthy lives.
Our Mental Health Professionals provide educational opportunities, consultation, and counselling support to help students in need. They also provide crisis response and support after a tragedy.
Our Mental Health Professionals do not work in isolation, they work directly with LKDSB staff, students, and community organizations who have even greater capacity to support students in need
Targeted Programming
Early intervention is important in preventing, supporting, and bolstering students with mental health problems. Teaching students to understand and develop protective skills is one way that the LKDSB helps to prevent further challenges. This could include:
Providing academic accommodations and modifications
Teaching character building and social emotional skills
Evidence-informed programming provided directly in the classroom
Providing focused support and staff training for at risk populations
Below is the Aligned and Integrated Model (AIM) describing how we support the mental health needs of students.
School Mental Health Ontario has additional information about AIM on their website.
Across the District
Promoting mental health is a whole school concept. Not only does promoting well-being help boost achievement, it can change how students, staff, and the community feel about a school and themselves.
To find more resources to help support Student Mental Health, visit School Mental Health Ontario.