1) Are you looking for ways to earn your community service hours? If so, come join us today at the Key Club meeting in room 313 at the beginning of lunch. We will be discussing our upcoming events in the school and community. We hope to see you at the Key Club meeting at the beginning of lunch in room 313. (Mrs. Hoskin)

2) The student success room is closed today, Mrs. Sanders' students sign in with Mr. Murree in Resource.

3) LEAD, the Learn, Evolve, Accept, Diversity Club has it's first official meeting of the semester today in Room 108. Kandis from the North Lambton Community Health Centre will be joining us today. (Mr. MacDougall)

4) Last night the senior girls' volleyball team travelled to Dresden for their last regular season games. Although we lost, the girls played the best they have all season and really came together as a team. Good ol Alivia L was our most reliable server while Delan A had some great digs and ball placement. Practice resumes tonight at 2:30 pm. (Miss Cook)

5) Attention all boys hockey team members. You are excused from class today at 1 pm to catch the bus to Petrolia for our 2:30 game. (Mr. Wilson)

6) Attention students who like to use the weight room at lunch, some rules to follow: Please wear appropriate clothing and footwear. Check your ego at the door! That means No EGO LIFTING. Focus on form and quality not how heavy you can go. (Mr. Needham and Mr. Singh)

7) Valentine's Day is a little over a week away. Most of you know it usually is thought of as a day to represent people in relationships. There are many types of relationships that are meaningful in your life besides romance. Valentine's Day is to recognize all the forms of love Today, think about your friend relationships that you value. Their goodness, dependability, companionship and trust. Keep friends in mind as Valentine's Day approaches. (Mr. Tichenoff)