1) Don't forget to participate in the Lambton County Reading challenge. If you don't have a teacher participating in the challenge, please submit your reading time to Miss Syer in the library. Everyone who submits reading time to her will be entered into a draw for candy. (Miss Syer)

2) Junior boys are reminded to be at the school by 4:30 PM tonight to help set up and get warmed up for our basketball game against Paincourt. If you can't be there let Mr. Willemse know.

3) Anyone interested in helping to organize this year's Relay for Life should attend the committee meeting Thursday at lunch in Mrs. Sander's Room (245)

4) The Sr. Boys' basketball team had a great victory on Friday night vs. LCCVI. We won 53-35 in a great balanced effort. (Mr. Needham)

5) Melia P, Grace N, Jaime W, Jayla T, Addy K, Kaydence D and Max C presented with class, and Max C presented with class, and poise in the 2025 Ethics Bowl Competition at Western University on Saturday. Our team excelled in all four debates. (Mr. Needham)

6) Intramural COED volleyball begins next week at lunch. Sign up today outside the boys or girls phys ed offices to secure your team's spot. All teams must include at least 3 boys and 3 girls. There's only space for 8 teams so sign up fast. A schedule will be posted once the teams are all set.

7) On Friday afternoon your Jr. Girls Volleyball Team continued their march towards a LKSSAA championship, winning 4 games and losing 2 in their final matches of the regular season. Alexis W, Brooklyn M, Riley B and Julia M led the Eagles with their strong hits and great blocks. Cadence O, Kyla T and Kayla S worked hard to provide great sets for the hitters. Rainey M, Rachel A and Julia L all had some great hits and bumps. Marah B was the player of the night for the Eagles, diving and making many great bumps from the libero position. Great playing girls. Good luck on Tuesday night in your quarter final match-up with Tilbury. (Mr. Wilson)

8) This week in Ancient Wisdom we connect to Valentine's Day. Proverbs are expressions used to convey a truth. Cultures from around the world use them, but this week our wisdom comes from the Proverbs that Christians might recognize. And it goes... A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. Cheerful hearts Eagles, that's the way to feeling good. (Mr. Tichenoff)

9) From last week, we learned from our Valentines Day load up that we can send positive messages to family and friends. A simple wish, no gift, for a Happy Valentines Day can be said to acquaintances, people in the halls, to nature, God or whomever could use a good vibes wish. In the heart of winter its great we have Valentine's Day. Send good wishes to family, friends, and people walking by. (Mr. Tichenoff)

10) If you or someone you know has a birthday coming up we'd like to know and acknowledge it. Everyone, likes to hear Happy Birthday. If you want it on the announcements drop off a note to Mr. Tichenoff or Mrs. Rodey. You are worth celebrating Eagles !. (Mr. Tichenoff)