1) Decorate a wood or metal heart with the cricut vinyl. Today only at lunch in the library. (Miss Syer/Ms. Herrington)
2) Jazz band will rehearse today at lunch. Rehearsal starts at 11:05 AM (Mr. MacDougall)
3) Frozen cast is reminded about rehearsal after school today and Wednesday. Check Google classroom for lunch rehearsal details. (Mr. MacDougall)
4) Tonight the Jr. Girls volleyball team will be hosting Tilbury in their first playoff games. Come cheer on and support the team starting at 4:30 pm. (Mr. Eberlin)
5) Attention all boys hockey team members. You are not excused from class early today. Please wait until the school day is finished at 2:20 before you make your way over to the arena. Game time is 3 pm. (Mr. Wilson)
6) Attention all girls' hockey team members. There will be a brief team meeting today at the beginning of lunch in the gym. All players are asked to attend. (Mr. Wilson)
7) Intramural COED volleyball begins next week at lunch. Sign up today outside the boys or girls physed offices to secure your team's spot. All teams must include at least 3 boys and 3 girls. There's only space for 8 teams so sign up fast. A schedule will be posted once the teams are all set. (Mr. Eberlin)
8) The Sr. boys played a gritty game yesterday vs. Paincourt. We finished the regular season with a loss 48-40. However, we secured third place and will have a re-match against this same Paincourt team. We will be practicing today at 4 pm. The playoffs are here! (Mr. Needham)
9) Last night our junior boys wrapped up their regular season play with a tough 46-36 loss to Paincourt. Our boys held several leads against the best team in the league but the shooting cooled off in the 4th and our boys lost in the end. Leading the way for the Eagles was Tyler K and Carter B with 11 points each. Our boys take their 4 and 4 record into Chatham Christian on Thursday at 5:30 pm. Practice tonight at 2:30 pm. (Mr. Willemse)
10) Continuing with the good news its birthday celebration time. We just missed, but happy belated, to Nation S who got to see his coveted Chicago Bulls this past weekend. We won't see them on their birthday because it's this Saturday but Happy Birthday to Kyla M and Raelyn M. Any other b-days upcoming, let us know. We Eagles are all about happy. (Mr. Tichenoff)
11) For Valentines Day you can offer kind and caring gestures to family, friends and so many more. This is more than what we typically think of for Valentine's Day. Since everyone in this school is registered here, lives here, you are part of the North Lambton community. Sending best wishes to one and all in the Eagle flock is simple and welcoming. Words have a profound impact, especially words of kindness, care and support. Happy Valentine's Day to everyone in the nest. (Mr. Tichenoff)