1) Mr. Tichenoff's grade 9 phys. ed class will report to room 249 to complete their health package.

2) Frozen cast are asked to drop by the drama room at lunch for a check in about rehearsals. Frozen cast are asked to stop by at the drama room at lunchtime.

3) Paint night, in support of Frozen, is on Thursday at 6:30 pm. Students interested should see Mr. MacDougall by Tuesday. Staff are also encouraged to sign up and support the cast of Frozen.

4) We are looking for more members to join our Esports Rocket League Team. If you are interested, you only need to come to one tryout. There are a few options, Tuesday and Thursday at lunch in the library or after school on those days.

5) Morning Eagles! As we approach Pink Shirt Day, let's remember the importance of being kind to one another. Bullying has no place in our school. As the saying goes, "Kindess is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see". Wear your pink shirts on Wednesday to stand up against bullying.

6) Badminton tryouts start tonight after school from 2:30-4 pm. If you can't make it, let Mrs. Sanders know.

7) Mandatory meeting for all students going on the Italy, Greece trip tomorrow at lunch in Mrs. Sanders' room 245. Pulled pork sandwiches will be sold Thursday.

8) Attention all Grade 9 and 10 hockey players! Are you interested in playing for the school in a couple of tournaments against local schools? Tryouts for the Mighty Eagles junior hockey team will be held March 4th from 3-4:30 and March 5th from 3-4 both in Forest. The cost for the two tryouts is $30. There is a signup sheet outside the boys' phys. ed office. Please see Mr. Wilson if you are interested or have any questions. (Mr. Wilson)