1) Mark you calendars! On Friday, March 7th in the library at lunch we will be having a Lord of the Rings Party. There will be videos, colouring, and more. If you would like to make a Hobbit door craft, please sign up in the library ahead of time go guarantee supplies ( Miss Syer)

2) Listen up North Lambton. Do you have a talent or band that you want to share with the school? Well here is your chance. Contact Mr. Stephenson or Mr. MacDougall this week if you have any interest in being a part of the NLSS Talent Show this Spring. We welcome anything from music bands, dance routines, guitar, piano or singing solos and much more! Just bring an idea to us and let's go from there.

3) Students are reminded of the amazing opportunity with Rotary's Ottawa Adventure in May. The post is in the office and applications are in Mrs. Leystra's mailbox. Deadline for application is this Friday. (Mrs. Leystra)

4) The first Pink Shirt Day was in Nova Scotia in 2007, when two students organized a protest at their school in support of a fellow student who was bullied for wearing a pink shirt. Since then, Pink Shirt Day has been recognized by the United Nationals and students from more than 25 countries take part each year on the last Wednesday in February. Showing the power of small acts of kindness! (Mrs. Sanders)

5) Badminton tryouts continue tonight. (Mrs. Sanders)

6) Relay Committee meeting tomorrow at lunch in Mrs. Sanders room. New members welcome!

7) Pulled port sandwiches will be sold tomorrow at lunch!

8) Students going on the Greece Italy trip are reminded to return their forms to Mrs. Sanders.

9) COED volleyball semifinals are today at lunch. Check the schedule outside the boys phys ed office to see if your team made it and what time your team is playing. (Mr. Eberlin)

10) Rosemary Room will be closed all day today.

11) Attention weight room users:

Please pick up your garbage and water bottles, Have a plan for your workouts. A simple plan has been written on the chalk board for your use. Ask questions of Mr. Needham and Mr. Singh.

12) Attention Frozen Cast, The Fixer Upper Cast will have a vocal rehearsal today in the music room at lunch. There is a choreo rehearsal after school for the In Summer and Fixer Upper Cast.

13) Staff and students are reminded about the paint night on Thursday. See Mr. MacDougall if you want to sign up. If staff would like to sponsor a student to attend lease let Mr. MacDougall know by the end of the day.

14) Junior Hockey - Tryouts March 4th 3-4:30 and March 5th 3-4 in Forest. The cost for the 2 tryouts if $30. See Mr. Wilson if interested.

15) Back by popular demand, it's another installment of National Celebrations. Today is "Set a good example day" . From manners and consideration, to work ethic and responsibility. Mr. de Schiffert would appreciate your efforts and have no visitors. Set a good example today and every day. You will be surprised at the results. It's a bit harder than the other method, but its better. (Mr. Tichenoff)